10 Most Controversial Star Trek Episodes

1. Code Of Honor

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CBS Media Ventures

And here we are, the big one, Code Of Honor. The third episode of The Next Generation overall, it was written by Katherine Powers and Michael Baron. The original script did not call for the Ligonians to be exclusively portrayed as persons of colour, but it was allegedly at the behest of director Russ Mayberry.

Wil Wheaton reviewed the episode for AOL in 2008, wherein he recalled Mayberry allegedly getting the sack for his overtly racist behaviour toward the guest stars. While Wheaton can only offer a vague memory of this, the fact is that Les Landau would complete the direction after Mayberry's dismissal.

The allegations of racism on set, as well as the decision to portray the Ligonians as seen, have combined to give this episode the unofficial moniker of 'The Racist Episode.' Certainly, Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner have made their opinions well-known, with Frakes going so far as to say he wishes it were deleted from Trek's history.

If we were to find something positive to say about the episode, it would center on the performances of Patrick Stewart and Jesse Lawrence Ferguson as Lutan. Much of the controversy focuses on the casting direction by Mayberry which, when combined with the feudal depiction of the Ligonians, is hard to defend. There simply aren't enough redeeming factors in Code Of Honor to truly try and make the case for it being reappraised.

Now, can we wash our hands of it, finally?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick