10 Most Forgettable Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

5. Non Sequitur

Harry Kim Non Sequitur Star Trek Voyager
CBS Media Ventures

As previously mentioned, a show like Voyager must get creative with the structure of its stories, so as not to become too repetitive or predictable. Another way this is achieved in Star Trek is through episodes focused on time travel and alternate realities.

These themes are explored many times throughout Voyager, with season 2's Non Sequitur being one of the earliest examples. Harry Kim wakes up in his San Francisco apartment with his fiancé, Libby, having never been a crew member on the USS Voyager. Evading Starfleet - who think he's either crazy or a spy - he discovers that his reality has been altered after a collision with a temporal anomaly and, with a little help from a snarky, pre-Caretaker Tom Paris, works to recreate the accident in the hope of returning to his original timeline.

There are a few reasons why this episode gets lost in the fold. First and foremost, the majority of the main Voyager cast are absent for most of the runtime. Besides Harry and Tom, we see only Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, and B'Elanna, very briefly, in the closing 2 minutes, while Neelix, Kes, and the EMH don't appear at all. Of course, it is common for the main focus to switch between the core players from episode to episode but in this instance, the absence of so many recognisable characters caused viewers to lose interest.

Following that point, we return, again, to the sad truth of Harry Kim not being as enticing a character as others. Perhaps viewers would have remembered this particular storyline in greater detail had it been Paris or Janeway affected by this reality shift. Viewers were familiar with the relationship between Janeway and Mark, so it may have had stronger emotional value to witness the turmoil of this dilemma on the Captain rather than the less established relationship with Harry.

Non Sequitur also suffers the common factor of following the laughably memorable Elogium. While far from being one of Voyager's best, it almost certainly overshadows this story - and for all the wrong reasons!

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️