10 Most Forgettable Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

4. Natural Law

Harry Kim Non Sequitur Star Trek Voyager
CBS Media Ventures

Chakotay became somewhat obsolete in the later years of Voyager. The earlier seasons explored his involvement with the Maquis; his native spirituality; a complex, manipulative storyline with Seska; and even teased a potential romance between the commander and Captain Janeway. By season 7, Chakotay was one of the few characters lacking any depth or personal plot threads

And that's where Natural Law comes in.

Chakotay and Seven of Nine crash their shuttle within a shielded area of a planet where they encounter a primitive, yet curious species. While - rather poorly - attempting to maintain the prime directive, the pair work to salvage enough equipment from the wreckage to contact Voyager for assistance.

This episode was meant to introduce a relationship between Chakotay and Seven, to be revisited a few episodes later in Endgame. This relationship wasn't popular. The biggest issue comes from how abrupt and underdeveloped it seemed.

For an episode designed to establish a budding romance, the pair spend a great portion of the story separated. This relationship only appeared in a small number of episodes and, of those few, this one is by far the most forgettable. Endgame established a potential future marriage between the pair, as well as being the explosive series finale, and then there's the hugely divisive, Human Error.

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