10 Most Overrated Episodes Of Star Trek

6. Extinction

Overrated Star Trek TNG Inner Light Picard
CBS Media Ventures

So this writer has never made any secret of how he feels about Extinction. Even director of the episode LeVar Burton has said that he was embarassed to be a part of this outing, so imagine our surprise when it received a higher rating than ZERO on IMDB!

Now, let's try to be fair about this. Enterprise had entered its third year with the attack on Earth, the upgrade and improved arming of the ship, the loss of Trip's sister, and T'Pol's resignation from the Vulcan High Command. It was to be a darker, denser year, one spent dealing with the Xindi.

Then, along comes Extinction. First, the atrocious update of the opening theme, adding a jaunty tambourine beat to Faith Of The Heart. It does not scream 'descent into the darkness'. Then, Scott Bakula and Linda Park get forty litres of plastic stuck to their faces and are told to act like wild animals.

None of it works, nor does it advance the plot in any way. Jolene Blalock, as usual, does her best with the material given, but Extinction deserves to be quietly slid into an agony booth and left there overnight.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick