10 Most Overrated Episodes Of Star Trek

4. Mirror, Mirror

Overrated Star Trek TNG Inner Light Picard

Mirror, Mirror is one of the more stand-out episodes of The Original Series. It is certainly iconic - the uniforms, Sulu's scar, Spock's goatee, the latter of those being the most immediately recognisable element of the story.

The episode is a tremendous amount of fun - the actors all play against type, and the score, adapted by Fred Steiner from his earlier compositions, particularly for the Romulans in Balance Of Terror, has inspired many spoofs and parodies since.

That, in this writer's opinion, is where the truth strength of the episode lies. Not in the presentation seen on screen, but in the legacy that it left in its wake. The prequel to this, In A Mirror, Darkly, was only possible because of the camp fun on show, while sequels like Crossover and Shattered Mirror doubled down on the dark side of this universe.

The episode was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in 1968, though it would lose out, and with respect, deservedly so, to The City On The Edge Of Forever.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick