10 Most Overrated Episodes Of Star Trek

2. Skin Of Evil

Overrated Star Trek TNG Inner Light Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Skin Of Evil is cemented in Trek history for one reason alone: the death of Tasha Yar. Without that particular storyline, this episode is another trip to Planet Hell, rather a lot of standing around talking, and a big oily thing who's best legacy is setting up a joke in Lower Decks.

When reviewing the first season of The Next Generation, there are a few episodes that tend to be given a slightly kinder evaluation than they perhaps truly deserve. This, in no small part, is due to the fact that the debut year of The Next Generation is one of the weakest in the history of the franchise.

Honestly, and we say this as apologists for episodes like Threshold, it's a marvel that a second season was greenlit. Skin Of Evil sees the exit of Tasha in a shocking, yet pointless, way. It did both the character and the audience a disservice, then the funeral scene that takes up much of the final act is a little hard to bear.

Though there is some fine acting on show, this is an episode that largely rises to the top because of Yar's sacrifice - not for any particular strengths.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick