10 Most Satisfying Character-Arcs In Star Trek

7. Michael Burnham

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

As of the writing of this list, Discovery's fifth season hasn't wrapped up, so Michael Burnham's arc isn't quite over yet. However, the recent episode, Face The Strange, took us back through Discovery's past and really showed off how far Burnham's come since season one.

Her demeanor was much more Vulcan in the early seasons, and she had a stubbornness that led her to mutiny against her captain, an act that caused her to feel great shame. She genuinely didn't believe that she ever deserved to wear a uniform again.

Burnham was later able to redeem herself by helping return Discovery to the prime universe and end the Klingon War. From there, she and her new crew saved Earth and the galaxy on several more occasions by defeating Control, solving the mystery of The Burn, working to rebuild the Federation, and stopping the DMA. Her ascent to the captaincy was a long process, but she earned it by learning from the mistakes of her past and working to improve her impulsiveness (a lesson she's now trying to teach her new first officer, Rayner).

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.