10 Most Satisfying Character-Arcs In Star Trek

6. Nog

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Nog, Rom's son, was also expected to live a normal Ferengi life, but ended up accomplishing much more.

In DS9's first season he was rude and couldn't read, but with the help of his friend Jake (and eventually his father) he quickly caught up on his studies until he was prepared to apply for Starfleet Academy.

Ben Sisko originally disapproved of his son's relationship with Nog, just as Rom did, but watching how Nog worked to improve himself convinced the captain to endorse his application to the academy.

Ben's endorsement ended up being well-deserved, as Nog assisted in numerous dangerous missions throughout the Dominion War, once even losing his leg in battle. His leg was replaced, but this experience left him with deep trauma that he hid in a holosuite program to escape from. This was a dark period in his life, but Nog soon returned to duty and received a promotion to lieutenant junior grade for his service.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.