10 Most Satisfying Character-Arcs In Star Trek

2. Spock

Seven of Nine Jeri Ryan Star Trek Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Spock has overcome a lot in his life. His half-human/half-Vulcan heritage caused him a great deal of confusion, as well as teasing from other Vulcans as a child. He chose to live a Vulcan way of life and proved that his humanity was not an issue.

Along with his countless achievements throughout The Original Series and the TOS films, Spock's legacy was defined by his work in reunifying the Vulcan and Romulan people. This mission of peace was cut short when Romulus was destroyed by a supernova and Nero and Spock were sent into the past, but the Discovery episode Unification III finally saw the completion of Spock's dream, with Vulcans and Romulans coexisting on the planet Vulcan, now renamed Ni'Var. 

In the 32nd century, Spock was remembered as a visionary before his time who saw the possibility of peace when few thought it could ever happen.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.