10 Star Trek Actors Who Became Directors

4. Leonard Nimoy

Riker Johnathan Frakes Doug Jones Saru Directing Star Trek Discovery TNG Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Leonard Nimoy's journey to the director's chair is rather intriguing - especially as it very nearly didn't happen. While filming The Wrath Of Khan, an urban legend surrounding the actor began to creep along - namely that he demanded to be killed off so that he could escape Star Trek.

When production on The Search For Spock was being organised, Nimoy waited for some time for Michael Eisener, then-head of Paramount Studios, to get back to him about the job of director. When the meeting eventually took place, Eisener was adamant that Nimoy shouldn't get the job - based on the aforementioned rumour.

Nimoy was a little shocked, but he was happy to debunk the idea that he hated Star Trek. The ink was quickly dried on the contract and he took over the reins. He would of course direct the following film as well, The Voyage Home, which performed so well that Paramount decided to attempt another live-action series.

Now, if only that had taken off, who knows what Star Trek might have become?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick