10 Star Trek Actors Who Became Directors

2. Roxann Dawson

Riker Johnathan Frakes Doug Jones Saru Directing Star Trek Discovery TNG Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures

Roxann Dawson may be best known these days as a director. She certainly is prolific in her body of work, including on Apple TV's Foundation series. However it was back in Voyager's sixth season episode Riddles wherein she got her start behind the camera.

She recalled directing the episode as both a challenge, but a wonderful experience. She was helped by her existing relationship with her co-stars, and also credits Marvin Rush, the Director Of Photography, as helping to truly create her vision. She later laughed that as she has become more experienced, she may have made different choices - so she was glad to go into that episode green.

Dawson would go on to direct many episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise as well, while also lending her voice to the chilling Repair Station in Dead Stop.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick