10 Star Trek Captains Who Broke The Rules

6. James T. Kirk

Harry Kim Kathryn Janeway Endgame Star Trek Voyager
CBS Media Ventures

Honestly, where do we even begin? 

Let's be a little fair and look at the contemporary situation. Kirk existed at a time when space was still vastly unexplored. He commanded a starship that often found itself in combat situations, so unorthodox thinking was usually required. 

However, Kirk swung for the fences, there's no argument about that. 

There's the time he armed Tyree's people in A Private Little War, though one could argue he was simply evening the playing field. Then there was the time he destroyed the computer on Eminiar VII, thus forcing Vendikar to seek peace. A gamble that paid off, wonderful news.

The thing is - either of these examples could just as easily have gone the other way. It is certain that he prolonged at least one conflict. Then there's the frequent bumps against the Prime Directive, while he treated the Temporal Prime Directive like only so much toilet paper. 

Kirk was a captain who got things done. However, when it comes to a performance review, the manner in which he gets these things done can be just as important. Kirk's report card may be looking at a few red marks. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick