10 Star Trek Captains Who Broke The Rules

4. Spock

Harry Kim Kathryn Janeway Endgame Star Trek Voyager
Paramount Pictures

Spock is perhaps the best example to those unfamiliar with Vulcans that yes, they very much do feel, and yes, they very much do act on those feelings - when they want to.

After the arrest of Kirk and McCoy for the assassination of Gorkon, Spock not only ignores orders to return to Spacedock, but then takes the Enterprise-A deep into Klingon territory on a rescue mission. 

Though undoubtedly a logical decision - as Kirk and McCoy may be instrumental in indentifying the true killers - there is no question that this is an action stemming from an emotional response. There was no chance that Spock, of all people, was going to abandon his friends - yes, even McCoy - to freezing conditions and probably execution on Rura Penthe.

Having said that, everyone was very lucky that the peace talks went well. After all, Spock took a Starfleet ship behind enemy lines, liberated two maximum security prisoners, and then engaged in battle with a Klingon ship in the skies above Khitomer. 

There's only so many 'ah, it's ok, it's Spock's that you can get away with!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick