10 Star Trek Characters Who Didn't Deserve Their Fate

1. Any TOS Redshirt

Star Trek Hemmer

This one is simply a no-brainer. Imagine signing up to Starfleet with the hope to explore the galaxy, but also being keenly aware of the need to protect your fellow officers. Why, a career in security may seem like the exact right choice! Years of training in the likes of physical and weaponary combat, along with ship operations, and conflict resolution.

After graduating from the Academy, this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed officer would then take their posting aboard the Enterprise, or ships of the like, ready for action.

And that ticking clock, so familiar at this point, would begin its countdown. The fastest way to earn a death sentence in Star Trek was to wear red and join an away mission. It was almost a given that poor old Ensign Ricky was going to bite the dust within seconds of arrival - to the point where including redshirts at all seemed a cruel move on Kirk's part.

It wasn't confined to security officers in red, either. Members of the engineering department would also don the scarlet tunic, which was as good as wearing a target. Let us never forget poor Yeoman Thompson, who went into space to explore, and ended up being turned into a hunk of salt and crushed.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick