10 Star Trek Characters Who Didn't Deserve Their Fate

6. Hoshi Sato

Star Trek Hemmer

Hoshi Sato was the inspiration to officers like Nyota Uhura, as evidenced in Those Old Scientists. Seeing the ensign positively geek-out over Sato's linguistic skills is a joy to watch, especially as one has heard neither hide nor hair of the officer since Star Trek: Enterprise went off the air.

By the close of These Are The Voyages, Sato is very much alive and celebrating the birth of the Federation with the rest of the remaining crew of the NX-01. This seems like a rosy ending for the character, who may or may not have hung up her Starfleet uniform from that point, choosing to enjoying the quiet life.

In fact, she did eventually retire from Starfleet, and moved with her family to the Tarsus IV colony. However, when a fungus destroyed much of the colony's food supply, the Thanos-like governor Kodos (the executioner) ordered the deaths of many of the planet's inhabitants - including Hoshi and her family.

It must be stressed that this information was gleaned from Sato's biography aboard the USS Defiant, appearing in the episode In A Mirror, Darkly Part Two. It must also be stressed that the panel describing this doesn't appear in the final cut of the episode. So, bearing that in mind, we choose to simply thing that this is one of the ways she may have died, though our dream of her passing away in bed, having written every alien dictionary in the Milky Way Galaxy is just as valid.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick