10 Star Trek Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate

7. Alexander Rozhenko

Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton Star Trek Next Generation TNG
CBS Media Ventures

The hate lumped on poor Alexander Rozhenko is, in this writer's opinion, entirely misplaced. He was just a child when he appeared in The Next Generation, and as such was always part of others' storylines, rather than truly driving his own. Even Cost Of Living, which sees big strides in his character, serves as part of Lwaxana Troi's arc.

The main ire that many feel is that he is a little dull as a character and...we must agree. There was so much potential here, particularly in the struggle that Worf faced as a single-father, that wasn't utilised. When things got tough, Alexander got shipped back to Russia. Other times, he was said to be aboard the ship, but heaven help us if we saw him between seasons.

Alexander was part of Worf's arc - the arc of a terrible father - and was therefore rarely given a chance to stand-out. Sons And Daughters may be the best example of him trying to find his own way, even if that relies on him being a comedic character, at least in the eyes of the Empire. His return, and to-date final appearance, in You Are Cordially Invited dials this comedy to the rafters.

There is no issue in making him a comedy character - just make him something. There's more there, and all three performers, Jon Steur, Brian Bonstall, and Marc Worden, bring their unique spin. Worf may have forgotten him by the time he lists his accolades to Raffi, but at least at TrekCulture, we have not. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick