10 Star Trek Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hate

4. Neelix

Wesley Crusher Wil Wheaton Star Trek Next Generation TNG
CBS Media Ventures

Depending on who you ask, Neelix is either the likable, if underused, morale officer of Star Trek: Voyager, or the AntiChrist in the flesh, bent on destroying all joy, hailing from the Hell that is the Delta Quadrant. This is a character that some folks have feelings about.

It's honestly a little surprising. Neelix's early episodes were among his worst - the entire plot with Kes, his bickering with Tom Paris, and his struggle to integrate with the Voyager crew all suffered from a general lack of overall planning. Once the show settled into its fourth season, Neelix took a big back seat.

That leaves the character with the issue of a dodgy early introduction and a fairly poor follow-up. There are many stand-out episodes for him, including Mortal Coil, Homestead, and Once Upon A Time, and even if those particular episodes aren't the strongest overall, they are good examples of the character being used well.

Ethan Phillips plays him as a thoroughly likable person, and bar some awkward scenes into which he's shoehorned, he generally manages to stick to this. It may be too late to redeem the character on-screen, but Neelix is a man who certainly should be afforded a second consideration when it comes to his legacy. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick