10 Star Trek Storylines Begging To Be Continued

1. Do The Short Treks Count?

Captain Seven Of Nine Star Trek Legacy Picard Voyager Jeri Ryan

The Short Treks were, and hopefully will be again, a highly fun experiment in quick storytelling for this franchise. Some stood out over others - The Trouble With Edward - takes the rare trip into outright comedy, while Ephraim And Dot gives us a quick run-through of Star Trek history.

Oh, and then Calypso shatters our hearts in a mere 15 minutes.

Zora has been teased in seasons three and four of Discovery, but the version we saw in Calypso has yet to appear. There is only one season remaining of Discovery, so either the clock is beginning to run out - or there may be another Short Trek on the horizon. We can dream, can't we?

With Calypso, the Short Treks offered us a fascinating tale of love and loss, all of which is managed by two characters we had, at that point, never met before. While the setting was familiar, everything else had to be managed on the fly, so to speak. While the result was a beautiful minisode, we can't abide this being the last time it's visited.

If it is simply Calypso that gets a continuation, or we get another full round of Short Treks, this is a wonderful gamble of an idea that deserves to be revisited, fleshed out, and continued on an annual basis.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick