10 Star Trek Toys That We Loved

2. App-Enabled Interactive Tribble By Science Division

In this case, the only trouble with Tribbles is not having one of your own to play with. Unfortunately, for the creature that loves to proliferate, these ones are all sold out, and the company that makes them — Science Division — has announced that it can no longer make any more. This is a story of fans, furballs, family, and inspirational small business entrepreneurship that combined resulted in one of the best Star Trek toys ever made.

The tale of Tribbles begins with Kayleigha, a Trekkie through and through, who grew up both entertained and inspired by Gene Roddenberry's inclusive creation and, of course, dreaming of owning a 'real' pet Tribble. Later in life, with husband Jay converted to Star Trek, Kayleigha decided to make that dream a reality. She taught herself to code the programming language C++, and also designed all of the artwork for the accompanying app (in LCARS). The couple got CBS on board and the rest was just a matter of avoiding any poisoned quadrotriticale along the way.

First available for pre-order in 2019, the Science Division Tribble was a glorious faux fur purring delight in classic brown/tan and later silver. Each came with three modes: 'At Ease,' 'On Duty,' and 'Watchdog'. Respectively, the Tribble would either trill/purr when petted, be on the lookout for friend or Klingon, or just let out a scream whenever it was moved. The husband and wife team even went as far as to hand-comb and blow dry each and every Tribble before shipping. It's little surprise that, in a video sent to the duo of Tribble innovators, the late Nichelle Nichols said she loved hers.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.