10 Star Trek Villains Who MUST Get Their Revenge

There are loose threads in Star Trek, but then there are those that we should REALLY check on

Devidian Star Trek Next Generation Times Arrow Troi
CBS Media Ventures

There's nothing more tantalising than a dangling thread. Well, except for one thing. A dangling revenge thread is even more exciting - and the names on this list will have their vengeance, in this life or the next.

Being a Star Trek villain has certain opportunities, most particularly for those who have some of their biggest plans foiled. Perhaps the entirety of Starfleet stands before them, ready to beat them back with a volley of torpedoes. Maybe they operated in secret, trying desperately to fly under the radar, only for intelligence officers to get all up in their business.

The best villains will have backup plans upon backup plans, ready and waiting, loaded in the chamber to fire into action immediately upon their defeat. Now, for this list, we're going to concentrate on those villains who were left alive to dish out that revenge, as opposed to those who need to be avenged. It may be a long time coming, but these are the names of those who are furiously signing some death warrants.

10. Maj Cullah

Devidian Star Trek Next Generation Times Arrow Troi
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Voyager featured the Kazon, various groups of thuggish aliens, based on LA gangs. They were divided into different sects, all of whom traditionally went to war with each other on a dime. When the USS Voyager arrived in the Delta Quadrant, they quickly found something they could agree on: they really, really didn't like that Starfleet ship or crew.

Maj Cullah of the Kazon Nistrim came the closest to destroying the dreams of this stranded ship. With a lot of help from the turncoat Seska, he managed to commandeer the ship, stranded its crew on a nearby planet, and set about becoming the dominant force in his corner of the galaxy. Thankfully, he was thwarted by Tom Paris, Lon Suder, and some helpful Talaxians. 

Still, despite Seska's death as the ship was being retaken, Cullah survived. The Kazon are not traditionally known for letting things go. The Kazon are still out there, evidenced as recently as the pilot episode of Star Trek: Prodigy. With that show bringing the action back to Cullah's part of the galaxy, he is presented with the opportunity to right his perceived wrongs. After all, in a culture dominated by 'Alpha Male' nonsense, losing his prize, via the aforementioned, back to Janeway must still smart, years after the fact. 

He may not be the greatest tactical leader in the galaxy, but he also seems like someone who would do whatever it took to save face. We may not have seen the last of him. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick