10 Star Trek Villains Who MUST Get Their Revenge

8. T'Paal

Devidian Star Trek Next Generation Times Arrow Troi
CBS Media Ventures

T'Paal was a Vulcan isolationist encountered by Jean-Luc Picard in 2370. She was posing as a Romulan mercenary named Tallera, working with Arctus Baran and his pirates, searching for pieces of a device known as the Stone Of Gol. It was a psionic resonator, capable of turning individuals' negative thoughts into a deadly weapon.

She was exposed by Picard and taken into custody, leading to the destruction of the device, but she lived on. So, too, did the movement. The Vulcan Isolationist Movement still existed, in an altered form, as far into the future as the 32nd Century. This version of the group seems to have achieved at least political stability, though remained a thorn in President T'Rina and Saru's sides.

Back to T'Paal, she believed in the expulsion of all non-Vulcans from the homeworld, and the eventual cessation of relations between her people and the rest of the galaxy. For her, it made logical sense to channel her hatred into her actions - but be under no illusion, that hatred was strong enough to kill. It is very unlikely that she went to her cell without revenge in her heart. After all, it's only logical to strike back at those who would seek to derail your plans, is it not? 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick