10 Star Trek Villains With Lame Deaths

2. Osyraa

Lame Duras Sisters Death Star Trek Generations
CBS Media Ventures

Discovery's third season finale, That Hope Is You, Part 2, sees the culmination of the Emerald Chain story arc, with Osyraa having taken command of the ship. She engages in a brutal fight with Burnham, both of whom are armed and skilled, which takes them to the computer core itself.

To be fair, the scene leading up to her death is fine. There is some back and forth, and she manages to shove Burnham into a wall of programmable matter. Then, falling to the fate of so, so many clueless baddies, she turns her back and doesn't bother to double-check Burnham's fate.

Cue Burnham shooting her in the head. There's barely even a delay, there's no warning. It's effectively an execution, with Osyraa on the wrong end of the phaser.

While the Emerald Chain were never the strongest villains in Trek's history, Discovery did tease a great face-off between Osyraa and Vance. There but for the grace of Burnham's phaser, we could have seen a great final battle. Instead, we get this, and poor Osyraa gets a death that no one will remember in the years to come.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick