10 Terrible Star Trek Episodes With Awesome Endings

9. A Mathematically Perfect Redemption

Star Trek Enterprise Tpol
CBS Media Ventures

"You know what? Peanut Hamper is a stupid name!" Things have got to be pretty bad to annoy D'Vana Tendi. That's exactly what this exocomp did, however, when she beamed herself off the Cerritos to avoid saving the day in No Small Parts.

It's no secret that the direct follow up to that episode didn't win many fans here at TrekCulture. In fact, I'm thoroughly surprised I haven't been ejected from Cargo Bay 101 for bringing it up! Sure, all that was wrong with A Mathematically Perfect Redemption was the detestable central character and their entire story arc, but that's literally Peanut's! You know what, I blame Data!

The clue, however, was very much in the name. If 'Peanut Hamper' was the "mathematically perfect," yet pointedly absurdist ("stupid"), choice, we probably shouldn't have expected anything less than ridiculous from the ending of the exocomp's noddingly titled second episode.

In A Mathematically Perfect Redemption, Peanut Hamper's supposed change of heart, then most definitely not as she betrays everyone at the end, doubly subverts our expectations. In Star Trek, we're used to things and people turning out just fine, so it's a bit of a shock when they don't. Looking back at the title of the episode, we then realise they'd been telling us that the ending, like the name, would be irredeemably "stupid" all along! And that is redeemably awesome!

Now, can we all just focus on trying to teach Tyrannikillicus how to be friendly? [evil laughter]

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.