10 Times Star Trek Reused Ships And Hoped You Wouldn’t Notice

7. Karemma Ship/Bajoran Impulse Ship/Antarian Ship

Star Trek Battlecruiser
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The Karemma Ship was designed by John Eaves for the Deep Space Nine episode Starship Down. It was constructed as a physical model and as a CGI model, with the latter returning several times during the franchise. Despite the Karemma being Gamma Quadrant dwellers, their ship turned up in both the Alpha and Delta Quadrants.

Shadows And Symbols sees Colonel Kira form a blockade around the Bajoran moon Dirna, with her fleet containing two such vessels. In notes that were excised from the episode, it was suggested that these may, in fact, have been Karemma ships left behind by the Dominion.

The CGI model would then go on to appear in the episode Drive, this time portraying an Antarian vessel that rendevous with Voyager. It also appears as an unnamed alien ship in Natural Law as well.

The CGI model made its final, to date, appearance as a transport vessel in Enterprise - a good two hundred years before Starfleet encountered the Karemma, or the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole. Great minds...

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick