10 Times Star Trek Went Woke

8. A Policy Of Non-Interference

Star Trek Woke Thumb
CBS Media Ventures

A Private Little War is one of the most discussed episodes of Star Trek. Its parallels to the Vietnam War are unmissable, though, with this example, the show managed a far more subversive take than in A Taste Of Armageddon.

Kirk's decision to arm Tyree's people is met with shock and confusion from his crew, with Kirk in full possession of the knowledge he's prolonging a conflict. This echoes not only the Vietnam War but the Korean War before it. A Private Little War is the only episode of the show's second season not to feature an upbeat ending score cue.

The episode also introduces Joseph M'Benga, played by Booker Bradshaw, as being not only an expert in his field of medicine but having been personally recommended by Dr. McCoy for his position. Though Star Trek had, of course, introduced Uhura early on (naturally, more on this later), featuring a highly skilled specialist who was a person of colour was a clear statement in 1967. 

A Private Little War is one of Star Trek's earliest and strongest attempts to depict not only the failings of the day but the attempt to rectify the wrongs of modern society as well. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick