6 Ups & 3 Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.10 — Life, Itself

5. LATINUM UP — Kovich Is A Code-Name

Star Trek Discovery Tilly and Burnham
CBS Media Ventures

Ever since his first bespectacled appearance in Die Trying, theories have run wild as to the 'true' identity and/or occupation of Doctor Kovich, played by the legendary David Cronenberg. Some thought he might be a Lanthanite, others hypothesised he might be Voyager's EMH with a different visage, and there were those who said he was an android. Others still supposed he might be head of Section 31 or Starfleet Intelligence (which he still could be), and/or that he might be a Terran.

Amongst the other suggestions for Kovich have been 'Future Guy,' a Supervisor, a Preserver, a Progenitor, and a Temporal Agent. Over the years, only a handful have got it exactly right, however. As we now know, Kovich is, in fact, "Agent Daniels, USS Enterprise, and other places". All of the UPs, all of the latinum, all of the everything. Take it! Take my money!

"I've lived many years, Captain, and many lives," Kovich tells Burnham in his office in Life, Itself. In fact, the first time we met Daniels, in Cold Front, he died "in a manner of speaking" at the end of Silik's pistol. He died again in the NX-01 sickbay in an alternate 1944, only to return by the end of the Storm Front two-parter. On the one hand, time travel can give you the biggest of headaches; on the other, it can do wonders for your health! By our calculations, and moving linearly, Daniels/Kovich has to be at least 171 years old by 3191!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.