6 Ups & 3 Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.10 — Life, Itself

4. DOWN — Your L'ak Is Lacking

Star Trek Discovery Tilly and Burnham
CBS Media Ventures

"This isn't how our story ends," Moll said to a moribund L'ak in Erigah. Of course, that was a hope, not a promise, as far as we, the audience, were concerned. The reminder is, no doubt, that Life, Itself is also Death, Itself, not that death has been a hindrance to rebirth in Star Trek before. If the Progenitors et al. won't do, maybe try Borg nanoprobes instead? Worked for Neelix! Like Moll, we just want L'ak back!

There was another post-mortem sticking point that arose in our TrekCulture Infinity Room discussions on Life, Itself. We've previously UPPED Moll, both before and after L'ak, for her forward planning, her strength of character, and, deep down, her caring nature. After acting with intent, strategy, and purpose without L'ak in previous episodes, in Life, Itself, Moll seems irrational, and atypically, overly violent.

Whilst a degree of desperation and hopelessness — trapped in an endless maze trying to save the one you love — is understandable, I can't help but think that L'ak wouldn't necessarily like the lengths and risks undertaken to save him. Then again, he did poison that one guy. Ultimately, it was a little frustrating to see Moll return to square/window one time and again after making peace with Burnham.

Kovich still had plans for her, however, it would seem. Section 31, maybe? For a lack of season six, we'll probably never know!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.