7 Ups & 2 Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.9 — Lagrange Point

6. DOWN — Split Over Split Screen

Star Trek Discovery Lagrange Point
CBS Media Ventures

As Star Trek fans, we're all accustomed to splitting the microscopic hair's breadth of canon into a debate or two. If you had the Infinity Key to the TrekCulture Infinity Room, you'd see we take the mandate of discussing the finer points at length very seriously, and with a good deal of fun, too. One such point of pettifogging without the pedantry for Lagrange Point was the functioning of those replicated Breen suits.

We did wonder how the two teams on the dreadnought kept their communication channels so distinct. To use an analogy, we assumed they were just switching between game-mode and party-mode for their chats. Nonetheless, and whilst I'm all for linguistic challenges, the mid-sentence transition of dialogue between English/Federation Standard internally and Breen in translation with subtitles externally was a little jarring at first.

Opinions did then diverge between us over the three-way Adira/Book/Rhys interior helmet split screen, although not enough to start the aforementioned war. Maybe a minor skirmish? Seán took a neutral stance, but to my mind it was all a bit gimmicky — a gimmick they'd already used during the hover-bike chase in the season opener. Seán did admit that it was "a bit Power Rangers," so maybe I'll stand down from red alert. "I have a [splitting] headache," anyway!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.