7 Ups & 2 Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.9 — Lagrange Point

5. UP — Action Saru Now Comes With Nuptial Bouquet…

Star Trek Discovery Lagrange Point
CBS Media Ventures

… batteries still sold separately. Saru's back — UP! And are those flowers for me? Oh, you really shouldn't have! No… they're for your "dearest T'Rina"? My bad! You two carry on. If you need me, I'll be in my portable pattern buffer!

Last week, both Seán and I gave a DOWN, in part, to Saru's on-going absence from this season of Star Trek: Discovery. All is forgiven, though, if it comes with flowers. The bouquet Saru beamed in with, like Tom Paris on a secret surprise rendezvous with B'Elanna Torres, was from planet Elpanah, apparently believed to bring good fortune to "those with impending nuptials".

Saru and T'Rina are going to need it, especially if this spot of bother with the Breen gets any worse. It has? Let's walk and talk! It turns out the rest of the Breen Primarchs had already heard the news about Ruhn — "And people are always saying that space is so big" (~ Alternate Admiral Janeway). Primarch Tahal had mobilised her fleet. Later, in a rather touching, but #totesawks, moment, to use one of those outdated expressions, Saru volunteers in front of T'Rina to go after Tahal for a little diplomatic tête-à-bucket-tête.

Suddenly, then, T'Rina and Saru's pre-marital topsy-turvy is reversed somewhat from its prior state in Jinaal. It is T'Rina who is now in a position of worrying for Saru. "Vulcans are not the only species capable of choosing logic and duty over emotion," Saru offers. "Fair point," T'Rina replies. That bit of dialogue alone is worth all the Progenitors' tech!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.