Star Trek: 10 Alien Species That Are Actually Related

8. Andorians And Aenar

Andorians Aenar Star Trek Shran Hemmer Ryn
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Fans of Star Trek: Enterprise were delighted to see an Aenar, Lieutenant Hemmer, serving aboard Pike's Enterprise in Strange New Worlds, even though he unfortunately didn't stick around for too long (R.I.P. Hemmer).

The Enterprise episode The Aenar explained that they were a subspecies of Andorians, who were believed to be a myth by Andorian society until they were discovered living in the Northern Wastes of Andoria in 2104. At this time, their population consisted of only a few thousand.

The Aenar differ from the Andorians in many ways. They have white skin and they're blind, but possess highly powerful telepathic abilities that more than compensate for their lack of vision. They can communicate telepathically and read minds, and they practice a strict pacific ideology.

Since they lived on the same moon, it's likely that the Aenar joined the Federation along with the Andorians when the organisation was first created, making them a lesser-known founding species of the UFP.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.