Star Trek: 10 Alien Species That Are Actually Related

7. Tribbles And Attack Tribbles

Andorians Aenar Star Trek Shran Hemmer Ryn
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

While the crew was searching Daystrom station in the Picard episode The Bounty, Worf came across one of the most horrific abominations Starfleet has ever created: the mighty attack tribble.

Worf noticed a tribble on the display of the containment cell, but when it jumped at the glass, he quickly learned that this was no ordinary tribble. It had multiple fanged mouths and moved quickly and aggressively.

The display stated that the tribble was genetically modified, suggesting that Section 31 engineered this species in their lab to use in combat. Imagine if one of these things got loose and started breeding. The Trouble With Tribbles would turn into The Trauma With Tribbles. The Jem'Hadar are frankly lucky that these were never used during the Dominion War, because they're just pure nightmare fuel. Maybe the Klingons were right about tribbles after all. They can be deadly.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.