Star Trek: 10 Alien Species You’ve Probably Forgotten About

4. The Ramurans

Axanar Star Trek Enterprise Alien
CBS Media Ventures

There's more than a little irony to the fact that Star Trek: Voyager's Unforgettable is one of the show's least memorable episodes. It's less surprising, then, if you can't recall the Ramurans. In fact, no one (on screen at least) was supposed to.

Isolationist to the nth degree, the Ramurans were forbidden from leaving their home planet. Highly advanced in stealth technology, Ramuran biology was also adapted to their 'covert existence' — a pheromone released by their bodies blocked long-term memory formation in anyone they encountered. Within a day or so, you'd forget you'd even fallen in love… twice. Those Ramurans who did try to escape their homeworld were hunted by 'tracers' and had their memories wiped by 'neurolytic emitter'. That might have ended Chakotay and runaway Kellin's romance, but at least the latter got to forget about Neelix's cooking!

Given the Ramurans also had a knack for computer viruses to erase every last shred of their presence, it is highly unlikely that any record of the species made it back to Starfleet. With zero context, Chakotay's pen and paper approach would have just seemed like the scrawlings of a madman.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.