Star Trek: 10 Alien Species You’ve Probably Forgotten About

3. The Skagarans

Axanar Star Trek Enterprise Alien
CBS Media Ventures

You might not be the only one who's forgotten about this species, nestled away in what was once the Delphic Expanse. We still don't know if Captain Archer, when he was done saving the rest of humanity, made good on his promise to alert Starfleet to send help to the human-Skagaran planet from the episode North Star.

It was somewhat surprising that Enterprise had its practically mandatory Western/frontier episode right in amongst the fast-paced Xindi arc, but with 24 of them to write in that season, I suppose they had to slow down at some point. The episode was interesting enough, if a little clumsy with the real-world parallels it attempted to draw. The Skagarans themselves were relatively intriguing as alien abductors from Earth's past. Sadly, we didn't get to meet Amelia Earhart this time.

Already a technologically advanced society by Earth's 19th century — warp capable with directed energy weapons and transporters — the Skagarans enslaved thousands of humans to assist in the creation of colonies on other worlds. Humans on the North Star planet rebelled, however, subjugating the Skagarans in turn until the NX-01 intervened to stop them.

Perhaps, more generally, we need a 'Long Trek' to tie up all of these alien abductor storylines?

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.