Star Trek: 10 Characters That Should Teach In Starfleet Academy

5. The Doctor And Fellow EMHs

Star Trek Doctor Academy
CBS Media Ventures

"You'll probably outlive us all," said Captain Janeway with sardonic wit to The Doctor after the death in his deathbed confessions (thankfully) failed to materialise. Janeway wasn't wrong, however. As long as he keeps his subroutines in check and program powered, Voyager's EMH could see the universe through to its demise.

Aside from embarrassing himself in front of his colleagues, The Doctor was a pre-programmed and programmable wealth of knowledge on both medicine and command that would make him perfect for a role at Starfleet Academy. In addition to that, he could teach 'Starship Voyager: A History' and creative writing alongside a holographic recreation of famously more "low-brow" holo-novelist, Tom Paris.

Re-awakened from his backup module slumber only about a century prior to the events of Star Trek: Discovery's third and fourth seasons, the Kyrian Museum version of Voyager's EMH is no doubt also still out there somewhere. This duplicate Doctor eventually left the Kyrian-Vaskan planet "with a longing for home," and it is distinctly possible he bumped into Starfleet and the Federation at some point on his travels. Perhaps he has even teamed up with his other self to run Starfleet Medical.

Finally, there is the matter of what happened to the countless other EMH Mark Ones (and Twos and Threes and Fours) during the struggle for holographic rights. With holograms and EMHs (back) in service in the 32nd century, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy could and should address the injustice done to all their 24th century predecessors.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.