Star Trek: 10 Characters That Should Teach In Starfleet Academy

4. Lewis Zimmerman

Star Trek Doctor Academy
CBS Media Ventures

If they've already got Robert Picardo on board, they should probably make the most of him. Plus, what could be better than having the father of modern holography teach the course in holography as the holographic version of himself? In the 24th century, Lewis Zimmerman's failed attempt at posterity was to plaster his face across the dilithium mines of the galaxy. It only seems fair that he get some chance at redemption in the 32nd, along with his EMHs.

We've all had the grumpy professor whose mission it is to appear as disinterested as possible in their job, even going out of their way to misremember your name. ("Captain Jane" knows what we're talking about!) Scratch the surface, however — although perhaps not literally with a back massage whilst disguised as a Tarlac — and you'll find that the outwardly misanthropic are often the most caring, and almost always the best teachers. If cadets can get past the talking iguana and undercover insect, they will no doubt love Zimmerman's classes. Leonard and Roy (de-squashed) might even have their own teaching positions, as well as Haley too!

Moreover, Zimmerman's fondness for his own likeness extended to the Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program. Voyager's version was merged with The Doctor in The Swarm, but presumably, there was a diagnostic program for every EMH Mark I. If any remain from the time, that will save having to recreate Zimmerman on spec.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.