Star Trek: 10 Characters Who Got Away With Murder

9. Kathryns Janeway

Duras Murder Worf Star Trek Reunion TNG Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures

Oh, for the love of symbiogenesis! Not the bloody Tuvix debate again! Don't stop reading just yet though. Yes, the topic has been endlessly argued over, but 'it's been done to death' is exactly why we can't avoid it here. Star Trek: Lower Decks brilliantly summed up its thoughts on the subject as follows:

Lieutenant Shaxs: "Did Janeway figure it out?"
Captain Freeman: "No, she just murdered him."

That might well be true in the colloquial sense, but, like many on this list, Janeway was (to our knowledge) never tried and found guilty of murder, so in the eyes of the law, she is not a murderer. Being stranded in the Delta Quadrant helped a lot with that, of course, but Starfleet could still have brought the case to court-martial when Voyager got back home. 

Talk about setting precedent if they had! Janeway v. Alien Orchid? How do you judge a murder case when the deceased is two other people still very much alive? The prosecution would have certainly had little trouble proving intent to end Tuvix's existence — half the Voyager crew were witnesses to that effect, and I'm sure The Doctor wrote a very vexed, but not vexatious, log. They might just need to invent a new crime for whatever Janeway 'got away with'.

(Mass) murder does run in the timelines. When the alternate Admiral Kathryn Janeway arrived from the future in Endgame, she hatched a 'have your cake and poison all the Borg with it too' plan in cahoots (cat boots) with her younger self. The consequences of that would only come to bite a couple of decades later. What exactly was in that coffee the Admiral had taken to drinking again?

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.