Star Trek: 10 Characters Who Must Return (2023)

5. Live Action Janeway

Alan Ruck Harriman Captain Star Trek Movie Event Tomed Incident
Paramount Pictures

We've already had the good fortune of the return of not one, but two Janeways: Holo- and Admiral. We should be largely satisfied by the prodigious vocal performance that Kate Mulgrew gives to both animated incarnations of the beloved former Captain of Voyager in what is an all-round outstanding series, but we still want more!

The last time we saw Mulgrew physically inhabit the role was for her blink-and-you'll-miss-it brief appearance in Star Trek: Nemesis, although if you were in the neighbourhood of Las Vegas or in Bremen, Germany in the mid-2000s you could have caught her in the (unfortunately) non-canon Borg Invasion 4-D.

There is a bounty of possibilities for Janeway's live action return. We were all holding out hope as such for season three of Star Trek: Picard, especially after the Borg Queen reveal. We'd even have accepted changeling Janeway… Changeway? Janeling? In the end, Chuvok/Tuvok was just as sweet.

On set tensions during the filming of Star Trek: Voyager are no secret, but having Seven and Janeway side-by-side once again feels long overdue. The Admiral was name dropped on several occasions in Picard, and we assume they didn't kill her off without telling us during the Frontier Day fiasco, so there's no reason she couldn't check in with the Enterprise-G on Star Trek: Legacy.

Perhaps with a sprinkle of that Q/Riker/Picard de-aging magic, we could also travel back to see what happened to Janeway and crew immediately after Voyager's triumphant transwarp return from the Delta Quadrant.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.