Star Trek: 10 Characters Who Must Return (2023)

4. Sela

Alan Ruck Harriman Captain Star Trek Movie Event Tomed Incident
CBS Media Ventures

At TrekCulture, we've been screaming into the void for the return of Sela for years, but you know the adage about making a noise in space — you'll always have a bit of trouble being heard.

Okay, so we were wrong about Sela being the 'big bad' of Picard season three, but they were just theories and we held out hope for a Denise Crosby come back until the last minute. Alas, we had to be content with a fleeting, although decidedly touching, holographic homage to Tasha Yar inside Data/Lore's mind, but it's clear that the character and her alternate's half-Romulan daughter merit more.

For Sela in particular, she could return to terrorise the crew of the freshly champagned Enterprise­-G if Star Trek: Legacy sees the light of 'one of our Earth days' (always wanted to say that). Or, why not a 'Long Trek,' like Section 31 is getting, to show us what Sela was up to before and after the Romulan supernova?

There is still plenty of the character's backstory, mentioned in passing in The Next Generation, left to explore. It would require a different actor to take on the role, of course, but a closer look at Sela's childhood would provide not only an intriguing insight into her Machiavellian adult self (four-year-old Sela did cry out to stop her mother's escape attempt after all) but also more on the life and death of, albeit alternate, Tasha Yar and the Romulans of the 'Lost Era'.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.