Star Trek: 10 First Contacts We Need To See

9. El-Aurian-Human

Star Trek Vulcan Klingon First Contact
CBS Media Ventures

A certain form of first contact between the El-Aurians and humanity goes at least as far back as the 19th century on Earth, where and when a certain "Madam Guinan" crossed paths with a motley band of time-travellers from her future. Since the Temporal Prime Directive didn't include provisions for memory wipes on famous writers, the chronologically first human (that we know of) to meet an El-Aurian, i.e. the 'real' Guinan, was moustache-dressed-as-a-man, and best way to settle an argument about bonsai, Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, aka Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.

A similar process would repeat itself for the galaxy's best, and most overqualified, bartender in the 21st century. At that point, without knowing the full truth about her, (former-) FBI agent Martin Wells suspected Guinan was not of this Earth. Presumably, Teresa Ramirez got to know a bit more about El-Aurians too.

It is not known when a more official form of first contact was made between El-Aurians and humans/Starfleet and the Federation, but it had to be before 2293. In that year, when the Enterprise-B received a distress call from the SS Lakul, the bridge science officer noted that this was "one of two ships transporting El-Aurian refugees to Earth," meaning Starfleet was already familiar with the species. At that time, the El-Aurians were also fleeing the destruction of their planet at the hands of the Borg. It's dark, but we'd like to see that 'first contact' too!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.