Star Trek: 10 First Contacts We Need To See

2. Vulcan-Klingon

Star Trek Vulcan Klingon First Contact
CBS Media Ventures

The First Contact in Montana was the turning point on Earth that we'd all better hope the real thing will be. The Vulcans inspired Starfleet and the Federation to write the rules for its own first contacts with new alien species. If the Vulcans were, then, literally a model of 'non-interference' and 'wait 'till they've at least got warp drive' before getting in touch, they sure developed some strange policies for second contact. They also liked to scare young children who were just out looking for their dog!

Traditionally, the Vulcans start most things with the hand gesture and a good dose of condescension. When it came to the Klingons, however, it seems they had decided on a different form of greeting — shoot first, patronise later, or in Michael Burnham's words, the "Vulcan Hello." As ever, there was a logic behind it.

The first, we assume, Vulcan ship to encounter a Klingon vessel (near H'atoria) was fired upon and destroyed. After that, the Vulcans always fired first. Because Klingons like that kind of nonsense, the strategy led to respect, peace, and formal relations. It's certainly a different kind of first contact — less 'live long and prosper,' more 'does today suit you for that good death you were talking about?' — but it's one we'd definitely like to see!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.