Star Trek: 10 First Contacts We Need To See

1. Betazoid-Caitian

Star Trek Vulcan Klingon First Contact
CBS Media Ventures

This entry won't do anything to solve the great cat-dog debate that has divided humanity for centuries, although the answer is cats! (Editor's Note: speak for yourself, Jack!) Whatever the taxonomic nomenclature of the Caitians, who purred their way into the franchise in Star Trek: The Animated Series via Lieutenant M'Ress, the species, much larger than felis catus, is endothermic (we assume), bi- and quadrupedal, and most definitely carnivorous by nature. Spot wouldn't know where to look! As for the Betazoids, they don't tend to purr unless asked.

Two live-action Caitians were on the Federation council at the court martial in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and we know the Federation was at least familiar with the Betazoids at the time of Pike's captaincy of the Enterprise (after Discovery). In fact, Betazed was most likely already a Federation member world at that time, according to the ready room colour-coded star maps in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. By Star Trek: Lower Decks, therefore, Caitians and Betazoids had probably been living and serving together for well over a century.

Hundreds of years ago, however, Caitians were serving up not serving with the Betazoids — hunting and eating the species before switching to the synthetic stuff (replicated Betazoid?!?). As grim as it might well be, that is one first contact — or buffet — we simply have to see! Hilariously sweary Caitian chief medical officer of the Cerritos, Doctor T'Ana, quickly slipped back to the old ways too when under the Vulcan influence. "Time to shred those party girls into brisket." Someone fetch the warm milk!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.