Star Trek: 10 MORE Alien Encounters Before First Contact
We really need to rethink the date of First Contact In Star Trek

In our first article outlining the alien races who brought the universe home to Earth, we discussed the Vulcans, the Xindi, and the Preservers. In researching said article, we discovered that as wonderous as these encounters were, they're hardly a noteworthy day in Star Trek history.
It seems as though Earth is something of a stopping point in galactic affairs, if one is to believe the number of aliens who have claimed residence on our little planet. There are the big-lobed visitors who pop in for an afternoon, and then there are those who set themselves up as part of the furniture.
As the official date of First Contact is still April 5th, 2063, these encounters must fall into a sort of Section 31 blacksite somewhere. One can only hope that there isn't a version of Rom on ice buried in Area 51 - even if some in the Ferengi Commerce Authority might prefer it that way.
10. Trill

First contact with the Trill occurred much earlier than Federation records would have us believe, even if the precise event has yet to be seen on-screen. Jadzia Dax changed the history books when she was accidentally thrown back in time, along with Sisko and Bashir, arriving in San Francisco in the early 21st Century.
This would have been contemporaneous to Tallinn's presence in LA, though San Francisco had its problems to contend with. For example, the Sanctuary Districts were powderkegs, threatening to explode at any moment. With Sisko and Bashir trapped inside one of them, Dax was forced to work alongside the locals to help them escape.
She was lucky. As she wasn't injured badly enough to require a closer look, she was able to pass her Trill markings away as a tattoo, therefore leaving the timeline unaltered. Sisko was not quite as fortunate, though, leading to his face becoming immortalised in the history books - for something other than starting the Dominion War.