Star Trek: 10 Most Mind-Bending Spatial Anomalies
1. Anti-Time Eruption

Or the 'Three Nacelles' Anomaly
To use a popular saying here at TrekCulture, what really 'burns our biscuits' is when the word of a Starfleet captain is not taken at face value. After all the years, decades, centuries of experiencing the oddest of anomalies, you'd think no officer would ever doubt a Captain's time-travel tale and just get right to the investigating. But noooo, Act One (or more) is often still spent telling them it's probably part of a syndrome and asking if it was all maybe, possibly just a dream!
All Good Things… is no doubt the finest series finale there is, but the anomaly at the centre of its story is a lot to get your head (or static warp shell) around. This was an 'anti-time' eruption or a "multi-phasic temporal convergence in the space-time continuum" that was smaller in the future and bigger in the past. In fact, it was so large in the past (3.5 billion years in the past, to be precise) that it covered the entire Alpha Quadrant, preventing the formation of life on Earth.
On the USS Relativity, they'd probably call this a "Pogo paradox" in which "intervention to prevent an event actually triggers the same event". Picard intervened to stop the anti-time anomaly by initiating an inverse tachyon beam to scan it in the three different timeframes, but the convergence of the tachyon beams was the cause of the anomaly. Moreover, Picard couldn't have travelled in time to do any of it without the help of Q, but wasn't it the Continuum who ordered the 'trial' without the "helping hand" in the first place?!? No wonder Picard has his head in his hands by the end!