Star Trek: 10 Most Unique Starfleet Ships

1. Angelou-class

Star Trek Discovery DS9 Eisenberg Class USS Nog
CBS Media Ventures

The 32nd century Angelou-class is basically a massive, donut-shaped forest in space. The environment on the top of the ship is kept protected from space with a transparent barrier. They can be easily mistaken for space stations, but they're actually fully warp-capable starships, and several of them were destroyed in The Burn.

When Discovery first encountered the 32nd century fleet at Federation Headquarters, Tilly was fairly surprised to see what she called a ‘flying rainforest’, but the technology wasn't actually that new. In fact, humanity sent several self-sustaining ecosystems called seed pods into space to preserve nature during the Third World War. Starfleet's first space station, Starbase 1, later connected with these pods, as we saw in the first episode of Strange New Worlds. The Angelou-class can be seen as a kind of evolution of these earlier space environments.

The only other noticeable feature on these ships is a long structure coming out from the centre ring, leading to what appears to be a single engine.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.