Star Trek: 10 Most Unique Starfleet Ships

2. Eisenberg-class

Star Trek Discovery DS9 Eisenberg Class USS Nog
CBS Media Ventures

The hull of the Eisenberg-class seems almost like a modern cruise ship, kind of like the ship from Wall-E, but with two spikes coming out from the rear and bottom sections. Their hull is very smooth and curved, and they use detached warp nacelles, much like many other Starfleet ships in the 32nd century.

At the request of Alex Kurtzman, this starship class was named after Aron Eisenberg, who passed away in 2019. Discovery also featured an Eisenberg-class ship called the USS Nog, named after the character he portrayed on DS9. In the story, the Nog was one of many ships that helped evacuate Earth during the DMA incident.

The design of the Eisenberg-class adds some real variety to the fleet, and the name is a great homage to a beloved Trek icon. In universe, it's also really cool to know that Nog was remembered as a hero that far into the future for everything he did during the Dominion War.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.