Star Trek: 10 Most Unique Starfleet Ships

8. Saturn-class

Star Trek Discovery DS9 Eisenberg Class USS Nog
CBS Media Ventures

Starfleet had begun experimenting with lots of new design styles by the time Discovery arrived in the 32nd century. Many had detached warp nacelles, organic components, and other highly advanced technology.

One particularly strange starship class is the Saturn-class. It's not hard to figure out where these ships got their name. The one-of-a-kind ring-shaped saucer section is a clear homage to the rings of Saturn, and gives these ships a very fragile, yet futuristic look. This is very much on-theme for the ships of this era.

Two flattened and spiked warp nacelles extend out from the back of the ship, adding a small amount of detail to a very smooth and featureless ship design. The Saturn-class does a good job of appearing highly advanced, but we've got to wonder about the utility of turning the whole ship into one big weak point. You'll quickly notice that weird, unnecessary gaps in the hull are gonna come up a lot in this list.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.