Star Trek: 10 Most Unique Starfleet Ships

7. The Vengeance

Star Trek Discovery DS9 Eisenberg Class USS Nog
Paramount Pictures

The ships in the Kelvin timeline films all use very different designs from the rest of Star Trek, but the USS Vengeance stands out as particularly unique.

Secretly designed by Section 31 under Admiral Marcus and Khan, the Dreadnought-class USS Vengeance was meant to be purely a warship. It was twice the size of the Enterprise (which was already much larger than the Enterprise from the prime timeline), but could still be operated with only a small crew. In fact, in emergencies one person alone could control the entire ship with the help of A.I. systems. The Vengeance was also three times faster than the Enterprise. It was equipped with tactical drones and advanced weapons systems hidden under protective armour plating.

Visually, the Vengeance had a much darker hull than other Starfleet ships, and a strange hole in the centre of the saucer. Altogether, it's a pretty cool design, which may explain why Admiral Marcus kept a model of it on his desk, despite it being a top-secret military project.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.