Star Trek: 10 Most Unique Starfleet Ships

4. The Yeager

Star Trek Discovery DS9 Eisenberg Class USS Nog
CBS Media Ventures / Eaglemoss

Another famous example of kitbashing gone mad is the USS Yeager. This ship was made by attaching the saucer and nacelles from a Voyager model kit to a nearly fully built model of Chakotay's Maquis raider, the Val Jean. The only other addition was a third nacelle on the bottom of the hull.

The Deep Space Nine Technical Manual claims that Starfleet actually does combine different salvaged ship parts together when they can, but the Yeager just doesn't make sense. Chakotay's ship is clearly much smaller than Voyager, so the scale is way off, and, aside from that, the ship just looks really ugly. The two ship's aesthetics just don't work together that well.

Lazy kitbashing like this can be fine when used sparingly, but this hideous Franken-ship appeared in the background of over a dozen episodes of Deep Space Nine in reused shots. We've seen more of the Yeager than the Enterprise-F.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.