Star Trek: 10 Secrets About The USS Enterprise-G You Need To Know

9. Marvellous Medical

Enterprise G Star Trek Picard Legacy
CBS Media Ventures

Among the 18 sets completed for the USS Titan-A was the complex sickbay. As designer Dave Blass explained this was the biggest challenge of all.

"You never really know what action is going to take place there. Usually it's one person in a bed, but it's a huge ship, so you really need 10 to 12 beds, but that's a giant waste of space and money. Then you need a surgery bed, and somewhere to sit and talk... as well as somewhere to look at medical readouts. So Sickbay was just a wrangling of the time/money beast and making it as big, yet as interesting as possible!"

Costs were actually reduced for the set with the introduction of large standing transparent OLED screens which added, as Blass describes, a "holographic vibe" while meaning there were no visual effects required for the scenes shot there.

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.