Star Trek: 10 Secrets About The USS Enterprise-G You Need To Know
2. Not So New New Ship
Before the series launched there were stories around the arrival of a new hero ship for Picard's final season.
Enter, of course, the Titan-A. Under the hood, there's more to this shiny new starship than meets the eye. The Neo-Constitution vessel actually contains parts from its forebear, the Luna Class USS Titan as commanded by one William T Riker.
Which makes this not totally a new vessel. This explains Riker's reaction when he sees the Titan-A. While this seems to be one heck of a huge refit (Ship of Theseus anyone?!) it's not unusual since the original USS Enterprise and presumably most of the first Constitution Class were similarly overhauled.
In this case, though, the computer systems, the warp coils, and the nacelle shield mechanisms were the only parts to survive what began as a simple refit.
Production Designer Dave Blass shared an image, designed by Twitter user Pundus, based on John Eaves' designs, of the process of refitting the original Titan to the new Titan-A.
Shaw insisted, as noted in The Next Generation, that he purged the computer of Riker's musical library which would have freed up a few thousand GB of data for sure.
Interestingly the "A" suffix here does also go a little towards explaining why the "refit" Discovery also received that lettering given that it too received a considerable reworking in the 32nd Century - that and it needed to be hidden in time!